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- Nikon Z8
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Nikon Z8
- Obj. čislo: 00681
- Výrobca: Nikon
Nikon Z8
Balenie obsahuje:
- 1x Nikon Z8 (fotoaparát bez objektívu)
- 1x očnica DK-33 (nasadená na fotoaparáte)
- 1x Krytka tela BF-N1
- 1x Li-ion batéria EN-EL15c s krytom kontaktov
- 1x nabíjačka MH-25a (so zástrčkou / káblom)
- 1x spona kábla HDMI/USB
- 1x popruh AN‑DC26
- 1x USB kábel UC-E24
- 1x kryt sánok na príslušenstvo BS-1
Z8 nabitý technológiami vlajkovej lode
Nikon Z8 ponúka technológie zo špičkového modelu Z9.
Snímajte 45,7 MP fotografie s krásnymi farbami a so špičkovo rýchlym ostrením.
Využite bezkonkurenčné možnosti 8K UHD videa vo fotoaparáte.
Rýchlosť sériového snímania až 120 snímok za sekundu pre fotografie.
Z8 má náš najpokročilejší procesor na spracovanie obrazu.
Plne elektronická uzávierka s najmenším skreslením rolovacej uzávierky na svete.
Automatické zaostrovanie s detekciou objektu vyvinuté na základe inteligentného učenia.
Internal 8K/60p a 4K/120p video
Nikon Z8 ponúka nekonečné možnosti videa a to z hľadiska kvality i veľkosti dát.
12-bitový N-RAW: Celá hĺbka a detaily 12-bitového formátu RAW v súbore polovičnej veľkosti ako súbory ProRes RAW HQ.
12-bit ProRes RAW HQ Až 4K/60p: Profesionálny nástroj pre svoju flexibilitu, konzistenciu a praktickosť pri úprave záberov nasnímaných rôznymi typmi kamier, ktoré všetky používajú tento kodek.
10-bit ProRes 422 HQ Až 4K/60p: Priemyselný štandard pre svoju bohatú hĺbku a detaily, jednoduché triedenie a flexibilitu na úpravu na cestách z notebooku.
Full HD proxy súbory: Simultánne vytvorené vo fotoaparáte pri snímaní v ProRes RAW a N-RAW , vďaka čomu je úprava záberov rýchlejšia a plynulejšia.
Profil N-Log: Využíva rozsiahlu farebnú hĺbku a dynamický rozsah, aby ste získali väčšiu kontrolu nad vzhľadom vašich finálnych záberov.
Rýchle a presné automatické zaostrovanie.
Najpokročilejší systém automatického zaostrovania od spoločnosti Nikon.
Sofistikovaný algoritmus AF, vyvinutý pomocou technológie hlbokého učenia. Účinkuje pri extrémne slabom osvetlení (Zaostrite až na -9,0 EV 2 .). Kombinuje detekciu objektu a 3D sledovanie. Sleduje najrýchlejšie a najnestálejšie predmety.
Kreativita, priamo v sebe.
Z8 ponúka viacero kreatívnych režimov, pomocou ktorých sa rýchlo stanete majstrami fotografie.
Creative Picture Controls - Motion Blend - Interval Shooting - 900-sec. Long Exposure - Focus Shift Photography - Multiple Exposure Mode
Nech tvoríte akokoľvek a kdekoľvek, vďaka flexibilite modelu Z 8 budú vaše projekty prebiehať plynulo. Vytvárajte ohromujúce 8K alebo 4K videosekvencie priamo vo fotoaparáte pri rôznych frekvenciách snímania vrátane spomalených záberov.
Zachyťte exkluzívne fotografie s rozlíšením 45,7 Mpx aj pri snímaní pri svetle hviezd. K dispozícii sú samostatné zobrazenia pre snímanie videosekvencií a fotografií a pri snímaní v zvislej polohe sa ponuky otáčajú.
Ohromujúca rýchlosť 120 sn./s pre statické snímky
Nikdy nepremeškajte rozhodujúci moment. Môžete snímať statické snímky s rozlíšením 11 Mpx pri neuveriteľne rýchlej frekvencii 120 sn./s alebo s rozlíšením 45,7 MPx frekvenciou 60 sn./s na zmrazenie akcie alebo frekvenciou 30 sn./s. Všetko s úplným automatickým zaostrovaním a expozíciou a bez prerušenia obrazu v hľadáčiku.
Odolné telo
skonštruované na profesionálnu prevádzku
Odolné a kompaktné telo zo zlliatin magnézia, a uhlíkových vlákien, váži len 910g, ale je pripravené na všetky výzvy spojené s prácou profesionálnych fotografov. Fotoaparát Z8 má prémivoé utesnenie voči poveternostným vplyvom a striekajúcej vode.
Rýchle a pohodlné pripojenie
Dva porty USB typu C
Jeden dátový USB konektor (SuperSpeed USB) na prenos súborov a pripojenie príslušenstva, druhý určený na nabíjanie a poskytovanie stáleho napájania.
Ponuka siete
Vyhradená karta v menu poskytuje rýchly prístup ku kľúčovým nastaveniam.
1000BASE-T káblová LAN
Port dátového konektora USB typu C podporuje gigabitový Ethernet IEEE 802.3ab s kompatibilným adaptérom.
2,4 GHz a 5 GHz Wi- Fi®
Nahrajte obrázky na zabezpečený server FTP priamo z fotoaparátu.
Plnoformátový Full Frame fotoaparát Z 8 je výkonné kreatívne zariadenie a jeho flexibilita nekončí pri samotnom fotoaparáte. K dispozícii sú objektívy NIKKOR Z pre každý nápad a rozpočet a bajonetový adaptér FTZ vám umožňuje používať aj objektívy pre DSLR. Špeciálne príslušenstvo zase rozšíri vaše možnosti tvorby.
Špecifikácie Nikon Z8
Bajonet objektívu: Nikon Z mount
Obrazový snímač: FX, CMOS, 35.9 mm x 23.9 mm
Celkový počet pixelov: 52.37 milliónov / Efektívny počet pixelov 45.7 milliónov
Systém na odstránenie prachu: Image sensor cleaning, Image Dust Off reference data (requires NX Studio)
Veľkosť snímky (v pixeloch): (L) 8256 x 5504 ( 45.4 milliónov)
Formáty súborov
- NEF (RAW): 14 bit; choose from lossless compression, high efficiency (high), and high efficiency options
- JPEG: JPEG-Baseline compliant with fine (approx. 1 : 4), normal (approx. 1 : 8), or basic (approx. 1 : 16) compression; size-priority and optimal-quality compression available
- HEIF: Supports fine (approx. 1 : 4), normal (approx. 1 : 8), or basic (approx. 1 : 16) compression; size-priority and optimal-quality compression available
- NEF (RAW)+JPEG: Single photograph recorded in both NEF (RAW) and JPEG formats
Systém Picture Control: Auto , Standard , Neutral , Vivid , Monochrome , Portrait , Landscape , Flat
Creative Picture Controls (Dream, Morning, Pop, Sunday, Somber, Dramatic, Silence, Bleached, Melancholic, Pure, Denim, Toy, Sepia, Blue, Red, Pink, Charcoal, Graphite, Binary, Carbon); selected Picture Control can be modified; storage for custom Picture Controls
Note: Choice of Picture Controls is restricted to Standard, Monochrome, and Flat when HLG is selected for tone mode during still photography.
Médiá: CFexpress (Type B) , XQD , SD , SDHC (UHS-II compliant) , SDXC (UHS-II compliant)
Dva sloty na karty: 1 CFexpress card or XQD card and 1 Secure Digital (SD) card
Either card can be used for overflow or backup storage, for separate storage of NEF (RAW) and JPEG or HEIF pictures, or for storage of duplicate JPEG or HEIF pictures at different sizes and image qualities; pictures can be copied between cards.
Systém súborov: DCF 2.0, Exif 2.32, MPEG‑A MIAF
Hľadáčik: 1.27-cm/0.5-in. approx. 3690k-dot (Quad VGA) OLED electronic viewfinder with color balance, auto and 18-level manual brightness controls, and support for high frame rates
Obrazové pole hľadáčika: Approx. 100% horizontal and 100% vertical
Zväčšenie v hľadáčiku: Approx. 0.8x (50 mm lens at infinity, -1.0 m-1)
Predsunutie výstupnej pupily okuláru: 23 mm (-1.0 m-1; from rearmost surface of viewfinder eyepiece lens)
Dioptrická korekcia hľadáčika: -4 - +3 m-1
Snímač pohľadu do hľadáčika: Automatically switches between monitor and viewfinder displays
Kompatibilné objektívy
- Z mount NIKKOR lenses
- F mount NIKKOR lenses (mount adapter required; restrictions may apply)
Spúšť: Electronic shutter with shutter sound and sensor shield
Čas uzávierky: 1/32000 to 30 s (choose from step sizes of 1/3, 1/2, and 1 EV, extendable to 900 s in mode M), bulb, time
Rýchlosť synchronizácie blesku:
Flash synchronizes with shutter at speeds of 1/250 or 1/200 s; or slower (but note that the guide number drops at speeds of 1/200 to 1/250 s); sync speeds as fast as 1/8000 s are supported with auto FP high-speed sync
Režim snímania: Single frame , continuous low-speed , continuous high-speed , high-speed frame capture (with Pre-Release Capture) , Self-timer
Approximate frame advance rate: Up to 120 fps
- Continuous low-speed: Approx. 1 to 10 fps
- Continuous high-speed: Approx. 10 to 20 fps
- High-speed frame capture (C30): Approx. 30 fps
- High-speed frame capture (C60): Approx. 60 fps
- High-speed frame capture (C120): Approx. 120 fps
- Maximum frame advance rate as measured by in-house tests.
Samospúšť: 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s; 1 to 9 exposures at intervals of 0.5, 1, 2, or 3 s
Systém merania expozície: TTL metering using camera image sensor
Exposure Metering mode
- Matrix metering
- Center-weighted metering: Weight of 75% given to 12 or 8 mm circle in center of frame or weighting can be based on average of entire frame
- Spot metering: Meters circle with a diameter of approximately 4 mm centered on selected focus point
- Highlight-weighted metering
Rozsah merania expozície: -3 to +17 EV
Figures are for ISO 100 and f/2.0 lens at 20 °C/68 °F
Expozičné režimy: P: programmed auto with flexible program, S: shutter-priority auto, A: aperture-priority auto, M: manual
Korekcia expozície: -5 to +5 EV (choose from step sizes of 1/3 and 1/2 EV)
Expozičná pamäť: Luminosity locked at detected value
Citlivosť ISO (odporúčaný expozičný index)
- ISO 64 to 25600 (choose from step sizes of 1/3 and 1 EV); can also be set to approx. 0.3, 0.7, or 1 EV (ISO 32 equivalent) below ISO 64 or to approx. 0.3, 0.7, 1, or 2 EV (ISO 102400 equivalent) above ISO 25600; auto ISO sensitivity control available
- Note: ISO sensitivity is limited to 400 to 25600 when HLG is selected for tone mode.
Funkcia Active D-Lighting: Auto, Extra high 2, Extra high 1, High, Normal, Low, and Off
Viacnásobná expozícia: Add, average, lighten, darken
Ďalšie možnosti: HDR overlay, photo mode flicker reduction, high-frequency flicker reduction
Systém automatického zaostrovania: Hybrid phase-detection/contrast AF with AF assist
Detekčný rozsah: -7 to +19 EV (-9 to +19 EV with starlight view)
Measured in photo mode at ISO 100 and a temperature of 20 °C/68 °F using single-servo AF (AF‑S) and a lens with a maximum aperture of f/1.2
Zaostrovacie režimy
- Autofocus (AF): Single-servo AF (AF-S) , Continuous-servo AF (AF-C) , full-time AF (AF-F; available only in video mode), predictive focus tracking
- Manual focus (M):
Electronic rangefinder can be used
Počet zaostrovacích bodov: 493
Režim činnosti AF
Pinpoint (available in photo mode only), single-point, dynamic-area (S, M, and L; available in photo mode only), wide-area (S, L, C1, and C2), and auto-area AF; 3D-tracking (available in photo mode only); subject-tracking AF (available in video mode only)
Pamäť zaostrenia: Focus can be locked by pressing shutter-release button halfway (single-servo AF/AF‑S) or by pressing the center of the sub-selector
Camera on-board VR
- 5-axis image sensor shift
- Lens on-board VR
- Lens shift (available with VR lenses)
Riadenie záblesku: TTL: i‑TTL flash control; i‑TTL balanced fill-flash is used with matrix, center-weighted, and highlight-weighted metering, standard i‑TTL fill-flash with spot metering
Zábleskový režim: Front-curtain sync, slow sync, rear-curtain sync, red-eye reduction, red-eye reduction with slow sync, off
Korekcia zábleskovej expozície: -3 to +1 EV (choose from step sizes of 1/3 and 1/2 EV)
Indikátor pripravenosti blesku: Lights when optional flash unit is fully charged; flashes as underexposure warning after flash is fired at full output
Sánky na príslušenstvo: ISO 518 hot-shoe with sync and data contacts and safety lock
Systém kreatívneho osvetlenia Nikon (CLS): i-TTL flash control, radio-controlled Advanced Wireless Lighting, optical Advanced Wireless Lighting, modeling illumination, FV lock, Color Information Communication, auto FP high-speed sync, unified flash control
Vyváženie bielej farby: Auto (3 types), natural light auto, direct sunlight, cloudy, shade, incandescent, fluorescent (3 types), flash, choose color temperature (2500 to 10,000 K), preset manual (up to 6 values can be stored), all with fine-tuning
Typy bracketingu: Exposure and/or flash , white balance , ADL
Video Metering system: TTL metering using camera image sensor
Metering mode: Matrix, center-weighted, or highlight-weighted
Frame size (pixels) and frame rate
- 7680 x 4320 (8K UHD): 30p (progressive)/25p/24p
- 3840 x 2160 (4K UHD): 120p/100p/60p/50p/30p/25p/24p
- 1920 x 1080: 120p/100p/60p/50p/30p/25p/24p
- Note: Actual frame rates for 120p, 100p, 60p, 50p, 30p, 25p, and 24p are 119.88, 100, 59.94, 50, 29.97, 25, and 23.976 fps respectively.
Video Frame size (pixels) and frame rate (RAW video)
- 8256 x 4644: 60p/50p/30p/25p/24p
- 5392 x 3032: 60p/50p/30p/25p/24p
- 4128 x 2322: 120p/100p/60p/50p/30p/25p/24p
- 3840 x 2160: 120p/100p/60p/50p
- Note: Actual frame rates for 120p, 100p, 60p, 50p, 30p, 25p, and 24p are 119.88, 100, 59.94, 50, 29.97, 25, and 23.976 fps respectively.
Video File format: NEV , MOV , MP4
Kompresia videosekvencie: N-RAW (12 bit) , Apple ProRes RAW HQ (12 bit) , Apple ProRes 422 HQ (10 bit) , H.265/HEVC (8 bit/10 bit) , H.264/AVC (8 bit)
Formát záznamu: Linear PCM (48 KHz, 24 bit, for videos recorded in NEV or MOV format) , AAC (48 KHz, 16 bit, for videos recorded in MP4 format)
Videosekvencie - zariadenie na záznam zvuku: Built-in stereo or external microphone with attenuator option; sensitivity adjustable
Video Exposure compensation: -3 to +3 EV (choose from step sizes of 1/3 and 1/2 EV)
Video ISO sensitivity (Recommended Exposure Index)
- Mode M: Manual selection (ISO 64 to 25600; choose from step sizes of 1/6, 1/3 and 1 EV); with additional options available equivalent to approximately 0.3, 0.7, 1, or 2 EV (ISO 102400 equivalent) above ISO 25600; auto ISO sensitivity control (ISO 64 to Hi 2.0) available with selectable upper limit
- Modes P, S, A: Auto ISO sensitivity control (ISO 64 to Hi 2.0) with selectable upper limit
- Note: ISO sensitivity is limited to 400 to 25600 when HLG is selected for tone mode.
Video Active D-Lighting: Extra high, High, Normal, Low, and Off
Other options (video)
Time-lapse video recording, electronic vibration reduction, time codes, N-Log and HDR (HLG) video, wave-form display, red REC frame indicator, video recording display zoom (50%, 100%, and 200%), extended shutter speeds (mode M), and dual-format (proxy-video) recording for RAW video; extended oversampling available; option to view video recording info available via i menu; Hi-Res Zoom
Monitor size: 8 -cm ( 3.2 –in.) diagonal
Monitor: vertically and horizontally tilting TFT touch-sensitive LCD with 170° viewing angle, approximately 100% frame coverage, and color balance and 15-level manual brightness controls
Monitor resolution: Approx. 2100 k-dot
Prehrávanie: Full-frame and thumbnail (up to 4, 9, or 72 pictures) playback with playback zoom, playback zoom cropping, video playback, slide shows, histogram display, highlights, photo information, location data display, auto picture rotation, picture rating, voice memo recording and playback, IPTC information embedding and display, filtered playback, skip to first shot in series, series playback, save consecutive frames, and motion blend
- Type C USB connectors
- USB data connector (SuperSpeed USB) x1
- USB Power Delivery connector x1
Výstup HDMI: Type A HDMI connector
Zvukový vstup: Stereo mini-pin jack (3.5 mm diameter; plug-in power supported)
Zvukový výstup: Stereo mini-pin jack (3.5 mm diameter)
10-kolíkový konektor diaľkového ovládania: Built-in (can be used with MC-30A/MC-36A remote cords and other optional accessories)
Wi-Fi "NIJ"
Operating frequency: 2412 to 2472 MHz (channel 13), 5180 to 5700 MHz
Maximum output power (EIRP):
- 2.4 GHz band: 1.4 dBm
- 5 GHz band (5180 to 5320 MHz): 10.8 dBm
- 5 GHz band (5500 to 5700 MHz): 7.8 dBm
Authentication: Open system, WPA2-PSK, WPA3-SAE
Wi-Fi "NICS"
IEEE 802.11b/g/n/a/ac
Operating frequency:
- 2412 to 2472MHz (channel 13), 5150 to 5350 MHz and 5725 to 5850 MHz
- Maximum output power (EIRP):
- 2.4 GHz band: 1.4 dBm
- 5 GHz band (5180 to 5320 MHz): 10.8 dBm
- 5 GHz band (5500 to 5825 MHz): 7.8 dBm
Authentication: Open system, WPA2-PSK, WPA3-SAE
Wi-Fi "NIKC"
Standards: IEEE 802.11b/g/n/a/ac
Operating frequency: 2412 to 2472 MHz (channel 13), 5180 to 5825 MHz (5180 to 5700MHz and 5745 to 5825 MHz)
Maximum output power (EIRP):
- 2.4 GHz band: 1.4 dBm
- 5 GHz band (5180 to 5320 MHz): 10.8 dBm
- 5 GHz band (5500 to 5825 MHz): 7.8 dBm
Authentication: Open system, WPA2-PSK, WPA3-SAE
Wi-Fi "Others"
IEEE 802.11b/g/n (Africa, the Middle East (other than Israel), Taiwan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Bolivia)
IEEE 802.11b/g/n/a/ac (other countries in the Asia, Europe, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, the Republic of Fiji, U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico)
IEEE 802.11b/g/n/a (other countries in the Americas)
Operating frequency:
Europe (excluding the countries listed below), Israel, and Turkey: 2412 to 2472 MHz (channel 13) and 5180 to 5825 MHz (5180 to 5700 MHz and 5745 to 5825 MHz)
Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine: 2412 to 2462 MHz (channel 11) and 5180 to 5320 MHz
Australia, New Zealand, and the Republic of Fiji: 2412 to 2462 MHz (channel 11) and 5180 to 5825 MHz (5180 to 5580 MHz, 5660 to 5700 MHz, and 5745 to 5825 MHz)
U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico: 2412 to 2462 MHz (channel 11) and 5180 to 5825 MHz (5180 to 5240 MHz, 5500 to 5580 MHz, 5660 to 5700 MHz, and 5745 to 5825 MHz)
Other countries in the Americas: 2412 to 2462 MHz (channel 11) and 5180 to 5805 MHz (5180 to 5240 MHz and 5745 to 5805 MHz)
Asia (other than Turkey, Kazakhstan, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India), and New Caledonia: 2412 to 2462 MHz (channel 11) and 5745 to 5805 MHz
India: 2412 to 2472 MHz (channel 13) and 5180 to 5825 MHz (5180 to 5320 MHz and 5745 to 5825 MHz)
Africa, the Middle East (other than Israel), Taiwan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Bolivia: 2412 to 2462 MHz (channel 11)
Maximum output power (EIRP):
2.4 GHz band: 1.4 dBm
5 GHz band (5180 to 5320 MHz): 10.8 dBm
5 GHz band (5500 to 5825 MHz): 7.8 dBm
Open system, WPA2-PSK, WPA3-SAE
Normy bluetooth
Communication protocols: Bluetooth Specification version 5.0
Operating frequency:
- Bluetooth: 2402 to 2480 MHz
- Bluetooth Low Energy: 2402 to 2480 MHz
Maximum output power (EIRP):
- Bluetooth: -4.1 dBm
- Bluetooth Low Energy: -5.6 dBm
Batéria: EN‑EL15c rechargeable Li-ion battery *
* EN‑EL15b and EN‑EL15a batteries can be used in place of the EN‑EL15c. Note, however, that fewer pictures can be taken on a single charge than with the EN‑EL15c. EH‑7P charging AC adapters and EH‑8P AC adapters can be used to charge EN‑EL15c and EN‑EL15b batteries only.
Battery pack: MB-N12 power battery packs (available separately) taking two EN‑EL15c * batteries
* EN‑EL15b and EN‑EL15a batteries can be used in place of the EN‑EL15c. Note, however, that fewer pictures can be taken on a single charge than with the EN‑EL15c.
Sieťový zdroj
- EH‑7P charging AC adapters (available separately)
- EH‑8P AC adapters; requires UC‑E25 USB cable (available separately)
- EH‑5d, EH‑5c, and EH‑5b AC adapters; requires EP‑5B power connector (available separately)
Statívový závit: 0.635 cm (1/4 in., ISO 1222)
Rozmery (š × v × h): 144 x 118.5 x 83 mm
Hmotnosť: Approx. 910 g
Prevádzkové podmienky
- Temperature: -10 °C to 40 °C (+14 °F to 104 °F)
- Humidity: 85% or less (no condensation)
Dodávané príslušenstvo
BS‑1 accessory shoe cover (comes attached to camera), DK‑33 rubber eyecup (comes attached to camera), BF‑N1 body cap, EN‑EL15c rechargeable Li-ion battery with terminal cover, MH‑25a battery charger (comes with either an AC wall adapter or power cable of a type and shape that varies with the country or region of sale), HDMI/USB cable clip, AN‑DC26 strap, UC‑E24 USB cable
Unless otherwise stated, all measurements are performed in conformity with Camera and Imaging Products Association (CIPA) standards or guidelines.
All figures are for a camera with a fully-charged battery.
Throughout this document, “FX format” and “FX” are used in reference to an angle of view equivalent to that of a 35 mm format (“full frame”) camera and “DX format” and “DX” to an angle of view equivalent to that of an APS-C camera.
The sample images displayed on the camera and the images and illustrations in this document are for expository purposes only.
Nikon reserves the right to change the appearance and specifications of the hardware and software described in this document at any time and without prior notice. Nikon will not be held liable for damages that may result from any mistakes that this document may contain.
Špecifikácia Nikon Z8
veľkosť snímača | Full Frame |
Rozlíšenie | 45,7 MPx (8256 x 5504) |
Formát snímača | FX, CMOS, 35,9 × 23,9 mm |
autofokus AF | Hybridný AF, 493 bodov |
Rýchlosť sériového snímania | 20 fps |
ISO - maximálna citlivosť | 64 - 25 600 |
Rozlíšenie hľadáčika | 3 690 000 bodov |
displej | 3,2" (2 100 000 bodov) |
typ média | CFexpress B (XQD) / SD (UHS-II) |
formát záznamu videa | NEV, MOV, MP4 |
Rozlíšenie videa | 8K UHD/30p, 4K UHD/120p |
batéria | EN-EL 15c |
výdrž batérie | 275 záberov |
obrazový stabilizátor | 5 - osový |
rozmery | 144 x 118.5 x 83 mm |
hmotnosť | 910 g |
typ | Bezzrkadlovka |
vstupy a výstupy | HDMI A, USB-C, 3,5mic... |
vstavaný mikrofón | áno - stereo |
funkcia Slow Motion | áno 4K /120p |